
Jamie Campbell | Certified Clinical Nutritionist

About Jamie

Hello Its Nice To Meet You
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Stop playing small.

I want you to know what it feels like to step fully into your power.​

I’ll just give it to you straight… I didn’t happen upon my career in nutrition because I struggled with my own debilitating health condition. I was not moved into the field because of an ailing family member. I don’t have that kind of story to share.

If I were to reflect back candidly, I would say that my drive to embrace health mastery comes from a time when I felt an utter lack of control in my life. It was through these experiences that I found appreciation in the healing power of food and exercise which afforded me the ability to cultivate confidence, strength and the feeling of being empowered and in control.

What brought me here is the sheer and utter excitement I get when I hear of clients embracing this same mindset. And in doing so, breaking free of limiting beliefs, breaking the mold of familial trends and stepping fully into their power themselves.

The “HELL YES!” that I get and the ability to share the accomplishments that they experience by embracing health as a tenant to a life well-lived, that is the reason why I do this.

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My Credentials:

Certified Nutrition Specialist® professional
Master’s in Clinical Nutrition from the University of Bridgeport, Connecticut (summa cum laude)
Bachelor’s in Dietetics from San Francisco State University
Certified Personal Trainer, NASM

Fun Facts!

A bit more about myself on a personal level…
I live just outside of San Francisco with my husband, Chris and 3 Boston Terriers, Loki, Bean & Billy.
I was born in Taiwan and raised in the Philippines and I did not step foot in America until I was 18 years old – college is what brought me across the Pacific Ocean.
I was raised speaking two languages, English & Mandarin but I am illiterate in the latter.
I am absolutely obsessed with plants and have a total of 33 (yes, 33!) and they bring me great joy. This was a hobby that I picked up through quarantine and it’s clearly going strong!
I am an avid weightlifter and my love for resistance training came from competing in 3 physique competitions (I retired by competition bikini 7 years ago).

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10 Signs Your Gut is a Hot Mess

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